Back in the kitchen today and I can honestly say this is the most relaxed I have felt working in a while. I have been baking every day for three days now and I am 100% in my happy place. Today's bake is, I have to confess, a recipe from someone else. I have had this book since I started the business and I love it! It’s called practical chocolate cooking and it’s got some amazing recipes. This one is the one I have always used for my Christmas log. It’s not a traditional type of Yule log but its better! It tastes just like a brownie!
The recipe calls for cream in the middle but I am using chocolate ganache and cherry jam so I can freeze it down till Christmas day, you can choose whatever suits you best here.
You will need
150g dark chocolate
3tbs water
175g Caster sugar
5 eggs, separated
25g chopped raisins
25g chopped pecans
Pinch salt
Filling of choice
Icing sugar to dust
- Grease a 30x20cm Swiss roll tin and line with paper, grease the paper
- Place the chocolate with the water in a small saucepan over a low heat. Stirring constantly until just melted. Leave to cool.
- In a bowl, whisk the sugar and egg yolks until pail and thick
- Fold in the chopped nuts, raisins and chocolate
- In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites with the salt until you can lift above your head. Fold a quarter of this into your mix then fold in the rest quickly and gently.
- Place the mix in your prepared tin and bake for 25 min at 180c
- Once baked until cool but not cold. Cover in paper and a damp cloth and leave until cold.
- Turn the roulade out onto another piece of baking paper dusted with using sugar and remove the paper from the bottom.
- Spread with your filling of choice and roll. Use the paper to guide you. Don’t worry if it cracks.
- Trim the edges (eat those bits quickly)
- Enjoy